Dalton Cumbrian Facility (DCF)

The Dalton Cumbrian Facility is the state-of-the-art research base of The University of Manchester’s Dalton Nuclear Institute, part of the National Nuclear User Facility. The DCF provides academia and industry with the opportunity to carry out high-end research in radiation science and nuclear engineering decommissioning, incorporating academic access to the active research facilities within National Nuclear Laboratory Central Laboratory on the Sellafield site.

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Dalton Cumbrian Facility (DCF)

The Dalton Cumbrian Facility is the state-of-the-art research base of The University of Manchester’s Dalton Nuclear Institute, part of the National Nuclear User Facility. The DCF provides academia and industry with the opportunity to carry out high-end research in radiation science and nuclear engineering decommissioning, incorporating academic access to the active research facilities within National Nuclear Laboratory Central Laboratory on the Sellafield site.

X-Ray Irradiator

University of Manchester

In-situ Analysis: Radiation Effects

The University of Manchester

Irradiation of Materials

The University of Manchester

DCF Manchester Cobalt-60 gamma irradiator

The University of Manchester