Our Research

Supporting the government's Industrial Strategy through materials innovation

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Our 10 Research Areas (RAs) are led by our Research Area Leads  and represent the strategic, collective research strengths and focus within Royce.

RAs form part of a wider research framework through which we support materials communities and foster networks in these core areas to drive scientific impact. The RAs, each aided by a steering group, also interface closely with related research networks and institutes both nationally and internationally. The scientific direction of each RA is shaped through community engagement and captured though a research landscape document.

Such research is linked to both national and global initiatives, namely Transition to Zero Carbon, Sustainable Manufacture, Digital & Communications, Circular Economy as well as Health & Wellbeing – collectively described as Royce’s “Drivers”.

Research Areas

2D Materials

Maintaining the UK’s leadership in science and technology of two-dimensional materials and nanomaterials composites. Developing new high-performance and energy-efficient materials enabling new architectures and fabrication methods for electronics and optoelectronics devices. Supporting creation of innovative SMEs and increasing productivity of the UK’s high-tech manufacturing sectors.

Lead Partner: The University of Manchester

Metal Processing
Electrical Image
Microscopic Image
Biomedical Materials 

Accelerating the discovery, manufacture and translation of biomedical materials, enhancing the UK’s position as an international leader in the fields of biomaterials and biomedical systems and devices.

Lead Partner: The University of Manchester

Chemical Materials
Chemical Materials Design 

Pioneering methods in computer aided design, machine learning, and robotics for materials discovery and characterisation. Accelerating innovation in the discovery and development of materials with desired properties and minimal environmental impact. Delivering faster and more sustainable synthetic methods to chemical, catalytic and biological materials.

Lead Partners: The University of Liverpool / The University of Manchester

Energy Storage
Fusion Reactor
Nuclear Materials

Increasing the UK’s existing economic strengths and competitive advantages in nuclear energy, and support its net-zero ambitions, by enabling innovation in research on radioactive materials, including an experiment with-modelling approach, via a co-ordinated network of national laboratories, nuclear user facilities, and expertise. Developing vibrant industry- and academic-led programmes which accelerate nuclear’s contribution to deep decarbonisation.

Lead Partners: The University of Manchester / National Nuclear Laboratory / UK Atomic Energy Authority

Modelling and Simulation

This Research Area aims to support  researchers across academia and industry to access the power of materials modelling in understanding and improving materials. We support researchers who use modelling and simulations themselves, but also provide a route for new collaborations between industry and academia or between simulation and experiment.

Imaging & Characterisation

The Imaging and Characterisation research area aims to provide and support access to the cutting-edge techniques applicable across the entire scope of Royce’s research areas. This includes the specific expertise needed to describe and quantify the structure and properties of such a broad range of advanced materials.