Tender to develop Materials in Bioelectronic Healthcare Innovation Strategy and Action Plan

This Royce Tender is for a major programme of work to develop a comprehensive Strategy and Action Plan for the development of Materials for Bioelectronic Healthcare, with a focus on translation and commercialisation of world leading research.

We are looking to collaborate with an organisations/s to undertake this important work, which will include harnessing the collective expertise of the UK’s materials stakeholder community, as well as our international connections, to pinpoint the existing strengths & opportunities in materials for bioelectronic healthcare translation.

This effort will include a comprehensive assessment on the hurdles we need to overcome to transform current materials research into tangible products for uptake by global healthcare providers.

Additionally, we want to analyse potential novel materials needed for the long term future of Bioelectronic Healthcare. While historical emphasis has often been on neurological disorders, our interest spans all therapeutic applications and underscores the significant role that materials play in health improvements. The scope extends to wearables, implantables, and hybrid systems, including in vitro systems.

The output from what is envisioned to be a six month process, will be a comprehensive Strategy and Action Plan.

The deliverables also include a portfolio of engagement events.

Tentative Timeline

We envisage the project will follow this timeline, with some flexibility where necessary.

  • Invitation to Tender: Friday 3 Nov 2023
  • Closing date: 23:59 hrs, Friday 24 Nov 2023
  • Panel meeting: Monday 4 Dec 2023
  • Appointment of Contractor: w/c 4 Dec 2023

Download Tender document here