28 June | 15:00 - 16:00

Stand Out Skills Webinar | 3D Scientific Visualisation with Blender

Date :
28 June 2023
Time :
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Type :

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Stand Out Skills is a new webinar series for early career researchers working in materials science disciplines. Hosted by experts, each episode will explore useful presentation, communication, or career skills for researchers which aren’t normally taught as a part of traditional education pathways for materials scientists.

Through Stand Out Skills webinars, you will learn a host of new abilities to complement your research career, including how to build your own research website, improve your academic CV and utilise new technologies to present your work more effectively.

The series will support your early career journey and help you to build a repertoire of valuable new skills to distinguish yourself and thrive in your research community.

About the webinar

Data in many scientific fields are often complex, and rendering those data in 3D can provide new views with visualization.

In this talk, Dr. Brian Kent (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) will walk you through how to use Blender to start your workflow toward data visualization and rendering in 3D.

About the host

Dr. Brian R. Kent is the Director of Science Communications with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia and is a scientist at the NRAO. His publications and studies in astrophysics and computing include scientific visualizations of a variety of theoretical and observational phenomena. He is interested in visualizing data for scientific analysis as well as reaching a broad audience with the stunning visuals that modern 3D graphics can provide. Dr. Kent received his Ph.D. in Astronomy and Space Sciences from Cornell University.


For up-to-date information about Brian’s research and activities, please visit his website at:  https://www.cv.nrao.edu/~bkent/

His tutorial website with links to downloads is here:
