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Webinar | 14.10.20

Diamond-II BERRIES Beamline Proposal and Webinar

Date :
14 October 2020
Time :
12:00 am
Event Type :

Following consultation with the User community in 2018, it is proposed to build a new Flagship beamline dedicated to performing photon-in/photon-out spectroscopies as part of the Diamond-II upgrade programme. The beamline proposal offers an exciting and transformational change for the Diamond User community.

The new beamline, called BERRIES (Bright Environment for x-ray Raman, Resonance Inelastic and Emission Spectroscopies), will be offering two new techniques to the Diamond user community: pink-beam X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (pink-XES) and X-ray Raman Scattering (XRS), that have only recently become available at synchrotron sources, and are showing great potential in several areas of science.

BERRIES will take full advantage of the added capacity and higher brightness offered by Diamond-II. It is proposed to build the beamline on one of the newly available straight sections, using a bright source to deliver the high flux required for the instrument. The beamline will consist of two experimental hutches: the first optimized for performing pink-XES as well as High Energy Resolution Fluorescence Detected XAS (HERFD-XAS), covering an energy range from 4keV to 20keV, while the second will be dedicated to XRS.

It is expected that BERRIES and its emerging techniques will support discoveries, for both academia and industry, in several scientific areas important to the UK’s research priorities, such as chemistry and catalysis, energy materials and nuclear waste management, among others.

Next steps
The outline proposal was presented to a joint SAC/DISCo meeting last May, and they recommended that a full case should be put together for the instrument. A User Working Group has been set up with representatives of the User Community and will be responsible for developing the case to be considered for prioritization by SAC/DISCo at the meeting that will take place on the 10th and 11th December 2020. To develop the proposal in an effective manner input on the exciting science and engineering is now needed.

Webinar – 14 October 2020
In order for provide you with more detail about the BERRIES beamline capabilities and to start collecting your views, the BERRIES User Working Group have organised a webinar on the 14th October 2020.

Diamond-II BERRIES Flagship Proposal – WebinarWednesday 14th October 2020, 14:00-15:30 (GMT)

Link to join: https://diamondlight.zoom.us/j/96476489337?pwd=RXl0WmRPOHhNSElJOUM4MEUxNGR3Zz09 
Passcode: 603359

You are also welcome to contact the project team with any questions or feedback by emailing BERRIES@diamond.ac.uk.