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19 October 2023 | Online Workshop

Discover the future in materials-intensive industries: Performance on Demand

Date :
19 October 2023
Time :
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Event Type :
Online Workshop

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Performance on Demand empowers the production of materials and components without waste and rework (right first time). This is an important step towards a circular economy. However, implementing this type of business and technological change can be challenging if organisations neglect the people, cultural and organisational impacts.

  • Are you part of materials-intensive industries such as steel production, manufacturing, automation and construction?
  • Are you engaged in digital change or implementing business models in your organisation?
  • Do you have insights into such change through your role in engineering, production, technology, operations management, supply chain management, or human resources?

If you answered yes to any of these, this workshop is for you.

Join researchers from the Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield University Management School to find out more about the important human factors to consider when implementing Performance on Demand.


What the workshop involves:

  • Engaging presentations: Explore a future scenario of how jobs, work processes and structures can be designed to support your organisation and supply chain in the context of Performance on Demand
  • Interactive session: Exchange best practices and experiences among participants
  • Contribute your insights to help advance research and shape the future of this transformative business and technological change in materials-intensive industries

This workshop provides access to new opportunities and innovative ways of working.
The insights gathered will be used to create a valuable online resource for organisations and shared with you on completion.