Professor Dorte Juul Jensen
Dorte Juul Jensen has been at the Technical University of Denmark since 2018, and at Risø National Laboratory since 1980. Dorte’s research interests focus on physical metallurgy and development of advanced microstructural characterization methodologies including neutron and X-ray diffraction as well as electron microscopy. She has published more than 450 scientific papers. She is an elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters science 2010 and jas been awarded Knighthood. Dorte is experienced in leading large research projects including projects focusing on development and implementation of characterization instruments -several of which being openly accessible, both through ERC and Danish funding.
Dorte was Head of the Materials Research, Risø National Laboratory 2006-2012. She is member of the Board for the Danish National Research Foundation, chair of the TMS Fellow evaluation committee, and member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Centre for Sustainable and Competitive Metallurgical and Manufacturing Industry, SFI Norway. Previous advisory tasks include Member of EU/COST Technical Committee on Materials, Physics and Nanosciences, of Forschungszentrum GKSS Germany, of the Danish Centre for Scientific Computing, and of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.