Bradford University recently hosted a groundbreaking workshop under their new initiative Native Speakers, designed to empower young students from Arabic-speaking backgrounds by providing scientific talks and education in Arabic. The initiative is aimed at students aged 11-13 who have recently arrived in the UK and allows them to be engaged in a variety of scientific topics by presenting them in their native Arabic.
The event, held at Carlton Bolling School in Bradford on June 4th, brought together 22 enthusiastic participants, all of whom were recently arrived refugees. The students had a unique opportunity to interact with scientists from various disciplines, including optometry, chemistry, and biology, as well as from an engineer from Royce who specialises in renewable energy and climate change. These experts were able to share their personal journeys and professional insights with the group, providing career advice alongside scientific information.
During the workshop, students were engaged in discussions about their scientific interests and aspirations. They explored topics ranging from their favourite scientific fields to the changes they would like to see in the world if they become scientists. This interactive format allowed the students to see themselves as part of the scientific community and envision a future where they can contribute to meaningful change.
One of the workshop’s highlights was a session on renewable energy and climate change hosted by Royce technician Rana Hassan-Naji. Using documentary films, the students learned about the evolution of the planet’s climate and the increasing challenges posed by environmental changes. This session sparked considerable interest and curiosity, as the students discussed the direct impact of climate change on their lives and explored potential solutions.
The workshop’s success was evident in the students’ enthusiastic participation and their eagerness to learn from highly qualified professionals. For many, it was their first encounter with individuals holding advanced degrees, making the experience even more inspiring and impactful.
Bradford University’s Native Speakers initiative demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity and education, providing a platform for young Arabic-speaking students to find their voices in the scientific community. By fostering an environment where they can discuss and learn in their native language, the workshop paves the way for a new generation of scientists from a previously overlooked demographic.