X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Chemical analysis of surfaces.

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Detailed Description

VXSF enviroESCA:

Near -ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy determines the concentration and chemical state of elemements at and just below the surface of materials under environmental conditions. A gas cluster ion beam system facilitates removal of surface contaminants and allows depth profiling by controlled errosion. Short loading to measurement times of samples of all types including liquids, tissues, plastics and foils, powders, soil, zeolites, rocks, minerals and ceramics. Multiple samples can be loaded or a single 60 mm diameter sample with a 40 mm height.


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy determines the concentration and chemical state of elemements at and just below the surface of materials under ultra high vacuum conditions.


For chemical surface analysis. New innovative equipment which opens the door to medical technology, biotechnology and life sciences. Operational XPS at pressures far above UHV.