Bruker Nanostar

Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Laboratory

Small Angle X-ray Scattering is a phenomenon caused by particles embedded in a matrix of different electron density. If the particle size ranges from 1 nm to 100 nm, the scattering angle lies within the range of 0° to 5°. The smaller the particles, the wider the scattering angles.

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Detailed Description

The Bruker Nanostar system is capable of characterising the nanostructures of noncrystalline materials, both solid and liquid samples, ranging from 1 nm to roughly 125 nm. SAXS can give you information about the shape and size distribution of your particles, as well as how far apart they sit in space.


  • Motorised X-Y stage
  • Detector to sample distance from
    11.5 mm to 1070 mm covering
  • SAXS and WAXS
  • GISAXS sample stage
  • Heating/cooling stage
  • Measurement in gas atmosphere