Quanta 250 SEM with 3D EDS 3View system

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

The GATAN 3View is effectively an ultramicrotome mounted inside the SEM chamber. It is possible to obtain large, high-resolution volumes using either the high or low vacuum mode of the microscope.

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Detailed Description

The high stability and precisely controlled stage is capable of cutting slice thicknesses down to 5 nm, which, combined with low voltage imaging, improves Z resolution. Both SE and BSE images can be captured and reconstructed. A series of stacked BSE images can qualitatively highlight the atomic number difference in the analysed volume. An integrated EDS system is capable of semi-quantitative elemental analysis of the same volume.


This system is best suited to soft materials such as biological samples, polymers, aluminium and magnesium.

Accelerating voltage

200 V to 30 kV

Probe current

up to 2 μA

High vacuum mode (6e-4 Pa)

1.0 nm at 30 kV (SE)

3.0 nm at 1 kV (SE)

Low vacuum mode (10 to 130 Pa)

1.4 nm at 30 kV (BSE)

3.0 nm at 3 kV (SE)

Knife travel distance

1.2 mm

Z travel distance

600 um

Stage travel distance X-Y

±700 um

Cut thickness

5- 200 nm

Cutting speed

0.1-1.2 mm/sec

Image resolution

8k x 8k

EDX detector

X-Max 80 (Silicon Drift Detector)