Pouch cell fabrication suite in an MBraun Argon Glovebox

Pouch Cell Preparation in Argon Glovebox

Argon filled glovebox containing a 40 T pellet press and 3-in-1 vacuum pouch cell sealer. Mass balance also available for balancing electrodes. Planetary Micro Mill Pulverisette 23 also available.

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Detailed Description

Equipment in MBraun MB 200B glovebox:
– PI-KEM Ltd 40T Lab Press with Programmable Electric Hydraulic Pump
– PI-KEM Ltd 3-in-1 Hot Sealer for Preliminary Top/Side Sealing & Final Vacuum Sealing, and Vacuum Standing of Pouch Cell (with oilless vacuum pump)
– Fritsch planetary micro mill Pulverisette 23
– Maximum pouch size of 150 mm x 150 mm


Generation of pouch cells for electrochemical performance studies.
Press for forming pellets of solid electrolyte.