Agilent Ltd. 1260 Infinity II High Temperature GPC

High temperature GPC (HT-GPC)

High temperature GPC for samples that typically demonstrate low solvent solubility.

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Detailed Description

High temperature GPC is essential for the analysis of high performance polymers and engineering polymers including PEEK, Nylons, polyolefins and also other hard-to-dissolve polymers such as polymer semiconductors and supramolecular polymers. It requires column temperatures up to 140 C and high T sample prep and injection.


Analysis of hard-to-dissolve polymers.

Characterisation of polymers up to 220°C.
Sample temperature control to avoid polymer precipitation.
Sample filtration to remove insoluble gels.
Range of organic solvents as mobile phase available.
Flow range: up to 10 mL/min;
Injection range: 5-500 µL;
Temp. range: Ambient to 220°C
System pressure operating range: up to 600 bar;
Refractive index detector;
Dual angle LSD;
40 position heated autosampler;