Agilent Ltd. 1260 Infinity II GPC/HPLC System with RI and Diode Array Detectors

GPC with Diode array detector (GPC-DAD)

GPC with Diode array detector (GPC-DAD).

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Detailed Description

Chromatography to determine polymer molecular weight and dispersity, including an RI and diode array detection system that permits characterisation of polymeric materials tagged with chromphores or in which the optical properties depend on polymer chain length or microstructure.


DAD GPC uses IR together with UV signals to calculate the polymers’ molecular weight.

Flow Range – up to 10 mL/min;
Injection Range – 0.1 – 100 µL;
System Pressure Operating Range
up to 600 bar;
Refractice index detector – up to 72Hz data rate, with integrated 9uL standard;
Diode array detector WR – 120Hz data acquisition rated RFID tags for flow cell and lamp. Indluces long-life deuterium and tungsten lamp.