
RoyceBIO Steering Group

Prof Morgan Alexander

Prof Morgan Alexander
Professor of Biomedical Surfaces, University of Nottingham

Morgan Alexander is Professor of Biomedical Surfaces in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. He received his BSc in Materials (1988) and his PhD (1992) from The University of Sheffield. His first independent position was a Marie Curie Fellowship in France (1996) followed by an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship (1998) at the University of Manchester (UK), before joining Nottingham in 2004.

His research into novel biomaterials involves developing materials for application in healthcare and characterising relationships between surfaces and the biological response. Understanding these relationships is critical to the development of next generation biomaterials and it is the theme running through his group’s work across a variety of areas spanning; control of bacterial and fungal colonisation, immune cell control for implants, and engineering cell stem response with applications in medical devices and cell manufacture. A polymer discovered by his team is now used as a coating to reduced infection on medical devices in the UK’s National Health Service. He has published more than 250 papers, holds a number of biomaterials patents and is current principal investigator on more than £10m of research grants.