Professor Kim E. Jelfs
Professor in Computational Materials, Chemistry
Kim Jelfs is a Professor of Computational Materials Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College. Her group specialises in the use of computer simulations to assist in the discovery of supramolecular materials. Kim completed her PhD in Computational Chemistry at UCL (UK) in 2010, studying the crystal growth of zeolitic materials. She worked as a PDRA conducting simulations across the experimental groups of Profs. Andy Cooper and Prof. Matt Rosseinsky at the University of Liverpool, before beginning her independent research at Imperial in 2013. She was awarded a 2018 Royal Society of Chemistry Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize, a 2019 Philip Leverhulme Prize in Chemistry, was the 2022 Blavatnik Awards Laureate in Chemistry and holds an ERC Starting Grant. Kim is an Associate Editor for Chemical Communications.