Thermofisher - iCAP RQ ICP-MS

Trace Elemental Analyser

Elemental analysis of aqueous samples at sub-ppt to ppm levels

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Detailed Description

The RQ ICP-MS with the PrepFAST 4DX autosampler facilitates a high throughput of aqueous samples for trace elemental analysis at sub-ppt to ppm levels.

The single quadrupole mass analyser ensures low abundance sensitivity and excellent mass stability.

The QCell allows for the removal of interferences using the helium kinetic energy discrimination mode. The instrument also has reactive gas capabilities to target specific interference ions for challenging applications.

The MS is complemented by the University of Sheffield’s ICP-OES available through the MIDAS facility.


  • User-friendly Thermo Scientific Qtegra ISDS Software manages entire workflows
  • Single Quadrople ensures mass stability
  • QCell facilities reduction in doubly charged interferences
  • PrepFAST 4DX autosampler automatically performs precise and accurate inline dilutions (dilution factors between 1x and 400x)